Product Description
Engineer Isaac Clarke returns for another blood-curdling adventure in the sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Space. After waking from a coma on a massive space city known as "The Sprawl", the lone survivor of a horrific alien infestation finds himself confronting a catastrophic new nightmare. Battling dementia, hunted by the government, and haunted by visions of his dead girlfriend, Isaac will do whatever it takes to save himself and dominate the gruesome onslaught. With an arsenal of tools to dismember Necromorphs and new determination, an engineer will bring the terror to space. The Nightmare Returns January 25th, 2011
- For the first time, experience the horror of a Necromorph outbreak in multiplayer as you fight in skirmishes around the Sprawl and strategically dismember your friends
- Continue the frightening Dead Space saga in a whole new survival-horror adventure with engineer Isaac Clarke
- Impale Necromorphs into the walls with the Javelin, use improved telekinesis to turn limbs into deadly weapons, plant powerful dismembering trip mines, or create a hull-breach to suck a group of monsters out into space
- Fire up Isaac's suit boosters to rocket around in zero gravity like never before
- Explore the depths of the Sprawl and encounter new weightless combat and physics-based puzzles with full 360 degree movement
Dead Space 2 [Download]
Dead Space 2 [Download] Reviews
33 of 37 people found the following review helpful: By = Fun: This review is from: Dead Space 2 (DVD-ROM) This game is a brilliant horror game, with non-repetitive scares. It really picks up where the first one let off. It's very creepy and the game makes you never feel safe, the story is rich and deep (I won't spoil it). Recommended to fans of horror. That said, you can only install it five times before your serial stops working... Also, if you buy the console version second hand, you can't use it online. 38 of 45 people found the following review helpful: By Schwe1nehund (USA) - See all my reviews = Fun: This review is from: Dead Space 2 (DVD-ROM) After 5 hours in the game and having just completed chapter 6, my initial impressions are very positive. Dead Space 2 takes protagonist Isaac Clarke out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak. The best things about the first game have been improved, resulting in a streamlined and linear experience. Although 'linear' may evoke negative connotations, I am personally blown away by how well-crafted the linear path is. As the other reviewers have pointed out - beware of the fangled and draconian security measures that come with the PC version of this product. However, I think it's highly unfair to give the overall game a single star because of something that the publisher decided - most probably with little, if any input from the actual game developers. This is a review of the game, not a critique on access control technology. Take it for what it is. ATMOSPHERE: So lets jump right into the `fear' aspect. The frights are genuine and the stakes are... Read more 16 of 18 people found the following review helpful: By = Fun: This review is from: Dead Space 2 (DVD-ROM) The original Dead Space was a classic with a few minor issues. If you disagree with that assessment then you probably want to read another review because that is my starting point when evaluating Dead Space 2. The issues with the original were minor but noticeable, mainly the environments got repetitive and the PC version has some annoyances. Dead Space 2 does away with both these complaints and on top of that adds some new gameplay elements which really push it into 5-star territory. First off is gameplay, which while firmly rooted in survival horror (meaning you will have to manage ammo, health and inventory) does not make the mistake the recent Resident Evil's have made where the game plays like a shooter but controls like an adventure game. Dead Space 2 might not be as fast-paced as something like Call of Duty but it controls well and your ability to shoot enemies and run away is not artificially impeded by a bad control setup. Shooting is fast and accurate, you... Read more |
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